Monday 18 June 2012

Shammi Kebabs for Sirr Jiii and Co.

The Mince all soaked and pruned in its bath salts =]

    All fluffed and cooked after soaking(cooking) for over and hour

Almost ready to hit the sack after a wipe and dry (Blended)

Wake up next morning looking bright and shiney and shapely ^^ ( not on their own Lol )

                     ........and into the pan.......getting ready to go out (IN) :D

Sorry,I forgot to click them as I was too happy to see my babies go into the real world for a test run....... :D
They did great and I have about 30 of their buddies still asleep so you're all welcome =]

..............and finally I clicked .... The FINAL PRODUCT ^^

And... this is the state of most people I know whilst I'm laboring in the kitchen *Glares at IQ and Nerdyy and some others at home* ::sleep


  1. :O LOL@ commentary. If you've still got 30 then take the pic mister! But I loveddddd the play-by-play :D and.. oh yes, GOOD JOBBBB!!

    1. :$ Thank you Boss !!
      and here you go.....a pic :D

  2. smokewaa :smoke

    that looks totally yummm ... except if you had asked me i would have told you that making shammi kababs are a total pain in da azz :L

    1. Oh trust me Sirr jee, I was well aware of it being a pain and it took almost an entire day grrr but aaaal iz well dat is endz well sirrr =]

  3. hmm dhuan bhaiyya ... did u get the dinner that you are owed :D

    ...and we're all waiting for the next pics of food :L

    1. Dinner?:O What dinner?I got a sandwich ::sleep,and a promise of two home made veg burgers with wedges ::rolleyes :P Still waiting Lol

      and yes Guru will all come in bulk :D Have been doing a lot of cooking off late and storing pics.

    2. What do you mean "what dinner?" Someone forgets so easily doesn't he :P

  4. LOL .. its the thought that counts dhuan bhaiyya :D

    make sure her veggie burgers are the spicy black bean kind not the disgusting soy kind

    1. EXCUSEEE ME. These were better than black bean :P These were lentil/mushroom/carrot (&oat) ones :D And they were AWESOME!

  5. LOL im sure they were :L

    i hate the soy kind ...others im ok with
