Tuesday, 20 November 2012


"Thank you for understanding"
"What thanks SLAP isn't that my job?"
"What do you mean?"
"That's what I'm here for na"
"It's my job also!"
"Yes, both of us"
"Ok then."

P.S. I don't know who this tArun uncle is pshhhhh.  


  1. :-O :-O You sneaky thing you!! When did you do this :D
    oho aha :D

    I loves how u managed to put our convo in there :D *Hugss* ::ninja


    1. Lol tArun unkill ko crop kar deti :P but its ok Lol I didn't even notice it till you said :B

    2. Shutup I couldn't be bothered to crop tArun uncle and anyways cropping would ruin the proportions of the original image hmphh. :-q

      I did this when I had messaged you in the middle of the day with the khabar. 7:P

  2. dhuan bhaiyya - *sigh* best friends/good friends ... we let them into our heart and control our emotions ... so when they say somethings really mean about us we spend the entire next day (and more) being sad and on the verge of tears (nevermind that boys dont cry - hence "on the verge of") .... on the flip side we act stupidly and they spend a lot of time in shock and in tears (ok i need a decoder for these damn emoticons)

    btw i cant really be "heartless" if i feel this sad and down ...can i Miss HMK ?

    I think the last couple of days would provide a perfect example of why I love being alone - yes i dont get the heady highs of companionship but i also dont get the low lows of being hurt :)

    happy (US) thanksgiving everyone

    1. hugssss nerdy - happy thanksgiving :)

    2. huggggs lulu :coffee :rose :P

  3. Guru ji, I get you totally...I've had so many attachments in the past and the only thing I got from them was pain.. hurt and just tension... so I somehow managed to stop caring ( I still care but not so much where it ruins my entire day(s) )

    Having said that, there are some worth hanging on to and its all part of the package... the hurt.. the highs and lows...
    I guess if a relationship was perfect, there would be something wrong with it..

    We deal with the highs and lows, when we know its worth the effort =]

    Happy thanksgiving Guru ji :)

    1. dhuan bhaiyya ... yes ... this one was well worth hanging on to so i dealt with the lows :D

      huggs (awkward hugs between guys time LOL) for all your nice words :D

    2. *dances crazy jalebi dance around the men as they hug awkwardly*

    3. Why does it have to be awkward Guru ji :P unless we have all these girls watching us Lol

      *Pats Guru ji's back hard while hugging and huffs* :D

      There, all manly Lol

    4. Oh wow ... Jalebi dance :P that's gotta be a sight I would NOT want to miss LOL

  4. A relationship IS perfect when there are highs and lows, if there weren't then that's when something is wrong. Otherwise we'd all be robots. Or rather, there is no absolute measure to define how 'perfect' can be applied to a relationship, or what a perfect relationship is, it's what is determined or felt by the individuals in it.

    And one of the elements which contribute to that perfection is the actual worth of the relationship - how much that other person means to you. Sometimes it's said with smiles and great moments of laughter, sometimes it's just as equally demonstrated by tears and anguish. Imagine how lucky we are to have someone to care that much for us.

    Something to give thanks for - happy thanksgiving Fred :D
