Tuesday 6 November 2012

Another thought...

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”

-Kahlil Gibran

This maybe true in some cases, but how about the people that have been abused as children, who grow up to abuse and do whatever was done to them, to others? Or serial killers who blame society or a rough upbringing ....... or anyone for that matter?

Having said that, there are many who actually do emerge the strongest souls =]


  1. HAVE emerged (not always emerge)Have u heard of the narration of what boiling water does to egg, carrot and coffee. The first hardens(insuffering), the second softens, the third gives out all its colours and flavours hidden inside it ;)

    1. Yes, I understand the grammatical context of 'have'. My point was directed to the flipside of the quote itself, a look at those who emerge negatively...Nice analogy ! And, thank you for commenting and following.

  2. Jerly having zeroed into the operative word already, I'll focus on another: emerged. There are those who become submerged by suffering, pulled down and drowned - those individuals who have not been able to emerge stronger for the experience.

    Then there are those who have not endured suffering (unlikely, but relatively speaking) - how then could they become stronger without the experience? We learn to prepare for the cold by having endured the frosty winds, we learn to not hand out our trust for the many trusts we have had broken, we've learnt to ride bikes from the many falls we've taken... and we've learnt to be good from the bad we have received.

    As for those who have emerged, we still are attached to that suffering by the very fact of the experience. 'He who forgets is doomed to repeat the past'. For the examples you state - I would say those are the individuals who have remained submerged in their suffering, and have emerged only in their weakest forms to mete out more to others.

    1. Miss.IQ - I agree with you.

      'He who forgets is doomed to repeat the past' - so very true, hence I never forget =]

      we learn to not hand out our trust for the many trusts we have had broken, we've learnt to ride bikes from the many falls we've taken... and we've learnt to be good from the bad we have received.

      Wah, Dil khush kar diya Miss.IQ :)
