Tuesday 26 June 2012

A Peek From IQ's Kitchen

IQ's Veggie Patty.  Click to zoom (no, we insist).

Hello everyone. While IS is busy with his many interviews and requests and contracts lined up as his cooking is in such a big demand, I have decided to regale you with the divine nectar that comes from my own two hands :P 

This was the first time I had ever made veggie burgers, and I must say, I don't know why I took so long to try it. I think, despite being a cook since childhood, that I can definitely say that Invisible Smoke has inspired me. 

What I normally do when I'm trying out something new, I browse around the net for different takes on recipes, and get an idea of what the fundamental ingredients are and I also look at comments and reviews on these recipes. When I head to the kitchen, I kind of go with the flow and end up making things my own way.

Anyways, this was my lentils, mushroom, carrots, onions, potato and oats recipe. And it's full of flavour :D

Thank you have a nice day.

*runs away before animal eaters throw rotten tomatoes*

8 whispers:

Monday 18 June 2012

Shammi Kebabs for Sirr Jiii and Co.

The Mince all soaked and pruned in its bath salts =]

    All fluffed and cooked after soaking(cooking) for over and hour

Almost ready to hit the sack after a wipe and dry (Blended)

Wake up next morning looking bright and shiney and shapely ^^ ( not on their own Lol )

                     ........and into the pan.......getting ready to go out (IN) :D

Sorry,I forgot to click them as I was too happy to see my babies go into the real world for a test run....... :D
They did great and I have about 30 of their buddies still asleep so you're all welcome =]

..............and finally I clicked .... The FINAL PRODUCT ^^

And... this is the state of most people I know whilst I'm laboring in the kitchen *Glares at IQ and Nerdyy and some others at home* ::sleep

12 whispers:

Sunday 17 June 2012


We interrupt this program to let you know that THIS BLOG HAS BEEN HIJACKED. MEAHAHAHAHAHEOW.

So like yeah...BREAKING NEWS TOOODAY ...I comes to give you secret meeningz.

*Gets news report, puts on glasses and scans it (the news report not the glasses)*

So today I tellings da meeningz behind this secwet agent Invisible Smoke. 

Wunce upon a timez. Meny meny years ago, Invisible Smokes thoughts he cannot cookz. He iz tolds by friendz dat he cannot just eets da lame foods he eetz. He iz eets only lame foodz. You knowingz, like z cheezburgerz n tingz. YUCKKK.

Anyways so da troof behind the nicknamez is dat when Prince Dhuan (as he is called by da great IQ *all hail* [IQ not Dhuan!]) actually cookeds there waz no smokez n burningz as he thought. 

As we can see, Prince Dhuan makez da yumyum foodings, and such good foodings that we all dripdrip from our little muzzles and hav to bathe our whiskers meny times because of this amazing foodies.

That is why the nick is Invisible Smokes. Because his food is not burns and turn out bads, there are no smokes. I tell you, is just a figment of his minds. He is supercooks naow.

Tenku pls.


*licks paws lazily and glares through half-shut lazy eyes*

10 whispers:

Saturday 16 June 2012


4 whispers:

Thursday 14 June 2012


14 whispers:

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Mom's Mattar Paneer Recipe

Maa ke haath ka swaad zaroor aaya but I'd rather she made it herself :) for me :D

This was a second attempt at this dish... and I will say,to me,both were awesome.

10 whispers:

Friday 8 June 2012

Sorry guys..the Kheer is for Z today

Specially prepared with IQ, Nerdyy and Layla in mind ... Thank you guys for the recipes,encouraging feed back and patience,especially IQ :)  Its Kheer btw :P

oh and I finally got my Jeera Rice right !! :D my first attempt was a major disaster and I was too ashamed to even post a picture of it lol.. but this one is woooooooo hooo so I will share :D

44 whispers:

Wednesday 6 June 2012


Matar Paneer

Gobi Masala

Thank you IQ for the recipe =], I will give you feed back on what the "Public" thought but as of now I can safely say... I love it :D oh and the after make up pic later ^^

6 whispers:

Monday 4 June 2012

Im back.......but I'm tired at the moment

A second attempt at the Mutton Curry, but this time using my mother's recipe, well almost(had to add my bit, I pressure cooked the meat this time) and it actually came out slightly better than my first try. For all those who love thick gravy, I prefer mine a little on the watery side :P and according to my first "Guru", the meats render some water as well :D *Bows to Nerdyy Sirr jii * Lol

Okay here it is.............. and oh yes some Zeera Alu on the side (This was actually good ^^)

IQ stop glaring at me... the goat is resting in peace in a lot of digestive tracts!What I cooked wasn't  an entire goat for the love of God. Lol

Thank you for your kind attention pls =]

12 whispers:

Friday 1 June 2012

For the Vegetarians....

                                                      Bhindi Masala
                                                     Daal Makhni

Both were hits if I may say so myself ::rolleyes

4 whispers: