Thursday 9 August 2012



  1. god help us .. that was "meh" all this while :rolleyes

    what is the point of being SO grumpy in the middle of your favorite time of year :O

    ..just postpone it till winter :D

    *hands smoke a hammer and "sense" nail .. err to knock some sense into this pagal :L

    1. As you know first and foremost, that wasn't a direct reference to anyone's grumpy level literally. It was more because the "hmph" reference that I posted it here for Smokes.

      Secondly, this isn't my favourite time of the year :P

  2. My fingers are twitching to clean this cat's eyes for starters :P, Secondly, Guru ji, I hmph a lot so IQ was kind enough to post this for me Lol

    Lastly, hmm.. Why isn't this your fav time of the year IQ? :O its August :O

    1. I know lol its so HMPH its all crustyeyed.

      And oye, you KNOW why and when my fav time is! What's wrong with yall

    2. yes yes ..may ... but its still summer ... my fault ... by "favorite time of year" i meant to say "favorite season" ... i will be sure to be more precise for ms nitpicky here :L

    3. It's not my favourite season either smarty BAHAHAHA :B
