Thursday 27 June 2013

Gobi Aloo a la IQ

Good evening everyone, this afternoon I decided to go desi and thus prepared the following dish for thy delight and consumption. Voici, le repas de gobi aloo!

Avec une bay leaf! Oooo
Food that's just outta the world! Aaaaa

Lots of mustard seed and black pepper, yum yum!

Bon Appetit :]

P.S. Thenk you to Nerdy for reminding me to take pictures:B
P.P.S. Wanderer, you may have as much aloo you wish, my love. :P
P.P.P.S.Smoku you're coming to eat this anyways :D
P.P.P.P.S... and ummm Layla, Angel and Di, if you want foods you come out of hiding and get it! :W


  1. Hehe Cosmic Cuisine ^^

    Looks wunnerfullllllllllllll :O I will drop by and collect my share at the break of dawn :D

  2. So frenchful :W

    that flower :D by the dish! wah ji wah kya baat hai ;)

  3. and yes Beeduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and Angel come outta your holes hmphh :-W

  4. Replies
    1. slap slap thats all you has to say :-W greedy boy

    2. akshuns speak louder than words ms lmk :D it was dellishus :-bd

  5. Merciiiii my loveeeee <3

    Looooks goooood
